Wednesday April 25th, 2018

The exercise:

On Location Week day three requests that you write something which takes place at: the open house.


Greg said...

The open house
Puppy doesn't speak, thought Emma as she waited on the roof. I wonder what she wants. I wonder if that was her in the doorway or.... She decided not to finish that thought, as if it hadn't been Puppy then it was just like being chased by Wilkerson's men again.
Light footsteps pattered up the stairs and a thin, waif-like girl appeared and darted across the roof into a patch of deep shadow. She was wearing an oversized hoodie, skinny jeans that just emphasized how thin her legs were, and Vans. Emma took a step towards the shadow, and a piece of paper was thrust out at her. She took it and looked at it.
The handwriting was ornate, calligraphic, and so distracting that it was hard to read. Around the edges of the text were illustrations: cats and dogs hunting one another, hiding in trees, and stalking around bushes. Now and then a bird took flight, usually ahead of a leaping cat with a hungry look in its eyes. Emma didn't need to ask: this was familiar. This was Puppy.
Laika. Her memory finally supplied the girl's real name.
"To whom it concerns," read the script. "An open house is loved by thieves. Close the windows, lock the doors, and push the key back through the letterbox, please. It may not be your house but neither was the last one. Puppy will run errands, so treat her well. She likes lasagna."
"She likes lasagna," murmured Emma, almost under her breath. "Can you tell me who sent you?"
Laika's curt head-shake was firm and determined.
"Not surprised," muttered Emma. She turned the paper over -- no clues there. "I don't like the feeling that we're being watched." She paused. "And Red would hate the feeling that we're not getting paid."

Marc said...

Greg - god, that note is so... Puppy. You've captured her persona quite perfectly here, I think.

I am curious as to who wrote that note as well. It's been too long since the original tale, so if it's someone from the story I don't remember it well enough to even guess as to who it might be.

Regardless, happy to have Puppy make an appearance :)

Marc said...

The open house prompt inspiration:

Um. Having trouble remembering this one, actually. Maybe I just saw a sign for an open house? That seems... rather uninspiring though.

Well, have to go with that for now. If I remember anything different I'll come back and explain.