Saturday August 26th, 2017

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: the tow truck driver.

The beach volleyball league that plays its games at the main beach in Osoyoos held their end of season event/tournament/I don't know exactly what was going on today. That meant there were a lot more people around than there have been recently, which meant a return to the busyness of the washrooms.

It was challenging to get the ladies side done this afternoon, but not excessively so. Plus I was expecting worse, so that ended up helping. The rest of town was pretty manageable so all in all it wasn't too bad.

Day four tomorrow, already. Then only six more four day shifts remain in my contract.


Nobody knows my name,
But they all know my truck.
I'm the one who tows them
When they park like stupid... ducks.


Greg said...

I think things are always easier if you're expecting worse and are disappointed :) It's interesting that it's the ladies' side that's more challenging though... do you think it's a lack of toilets or that they use other facilities in there more? And do you ever get any complaints that you're not a woman and you're cleaning the ladies?
Haha, that last line made me smile broadly today, so the poem is definitely a winner! Is this from wishing you could tow people, as it would make parking easier?

The tow truck driver
It's a typo, ok? Just leave it be!
The trophy belongs correctly to me.
I'm the top truck driver in forty-nine states,
Not a tow-truck driver who's awkwardly late....

Marc said...

Greg - yes, I agree :)

The challenge of the ladies side is two-fold: one, there are more toilets (4) than the mens (2 plus 2 urinals), plus there are sanitary boxes in each stall that need to be cleaned up and bags replaced.

But the second is the real problem: women cannot wait to use the washroom. Like, they are almost universally unable to hold their damned pee. The number of women who have waited patiently for me to do my work this summer at that washroom can be counted on one hand. I don't think I'm exaggerating. On the other hand, the numbers who just come in anyway or who keep asking how much longer it will be or whatever are more than I could possibly remember.

I am getting worked up. But that is the basic idea of why I'm always complaining about the ladies side of main washroom.

No, I haven't got any complaints. Definitely some looks of surprise though :) I've managed to not ask any of them if they actually think the town has a man cleaning the men's side and a woman to clean the women's side. (there are only two women on the public works crew and the other person doing my job is one of them)

I've wanted people towed but not to make my life easier, just because they've parked so stupidly I want them to have to deal with retrieving their car from the tower.

Like the rhythm of your first two lines but I must confess to being unable to figure out the typo :( A little help?

Greg said...

The typo is "top" for "tow". Re-reading I think the last line doesn't make things clear enough, which is my own fault for trying to squeeze too much information into too few syllables :(